Friends of DOAB
Contact Ray
if you would like to post an mp3 of your band on
The Friends of Damnation of Adam Blessing Music Page
Cleveland, Ohio
(Hard Earned Love), Part 1
by Ray Benich
copyright 2009
"Ray hit all the right notes on this one! His song, Cleveland Ohio (Hard Earned Love) pt 1, is not only an appropriate celebration of Cleveland musicians, it also has a great beat and rhythm that prompts you to sing along AND dance too. Right there makes it a hit with me! And with all the talent on this Lake Erie shore, I suspect Ray will come up with several more "parts" in no time. Looking forward to hearing more!"
Deanna Adams
Author of "Rock 'n' Roll and the Cleveland Connection"
http://clevescene.com/ |

drawing by Rick Ray
(click for larger view)
Cleveland, Ohio, Part II
Performed by
The Rick Ray Band
copyright 2010
A genuine anomaly in northern Ohio the Rick Ray Band's penchant for original material sets them apart and above the endless glut of tribute bands.
Wally Spisak - bass, Paul Gelthch - drums, DC - lead vocals,
Rick Schultz - sax and Rick Ray - lead guitar
with Ray Benich on rhythm guitar.
Cleveland, Ohio, Part III
Cleveland's own "Tin Wiskers"
Recorded April 2010 at "The Studio" Brunswick, Ohio featuring Dave Rojack, on lead guitar, with Ray Benich on bass and vocals, Fuzzy Z on back up vocal, Raz D, III on drums.
" We've got the Browns, We've got the Cav's, but you can bet your right nut, that's not all that we have. "
Cleveland, Ohiooo... copyright Ray Benich 2007
"If I Were A Carpenter"
performed by Steve Causey
and featuring Jerry Keegan
on pedal steel guitar
If I were a Carpenter, written by Tim Hardin c1969
Steve Causey, Track II
" Standing on the Edge"
written by Rob Lamothe produced by Dave Rojack
Steve's had eight strokes in the past ten years, yet continues to produce quality tracks... the Damnation of Adam Blessings music page welcomes Steve Causey.
Audio Player Short Hints:
space key:
right/left arrow keys:
up/down arrow keys:
volume up/down |
" Like a Child"
copyright 2010
by Mattias Brendenberg
and Traschcan Dan (as pictured), from Ludvika, Sweden
I received this track from Matt and Dan, from Ludvka, Sweden just a few weeks ago, I loved their sound and I'm proud to welcome them to the "Friends of DOAB Music Page". Matt tells me that "like a Child" is a, "tribute to my daughter, she's brought me the joy of being a father, and has, at times made me feel like a child myself.
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The Friends of Damnation of Adam Blessing Music Page
check out more Illusions Of Justice (page 3)