Rays bass solo at the Cinci Pop, as good friend Emil Francis looks on. This show also featured Ten Years After, Grand Funk, Traffic, Alice Cooper, and Mountain.

Making a small payment on a giant debt of gratitude. Performing "Spirit From Above" at the Rock Hall, September 27, 2000.


Damnation Moment 379:

About why the band shortened the name, I've read at several sites that, "it's a mystery as to why the band changed it's name to simply "Damnation" on the third album". Adam Blessing, the groups front man and lead singer had his name dropped from the bands name in hopes that it would help get his ego under control. Adam seemed to think that he was just about as big as John Lennon and Elvis put together.

Just to give you an example of what I mean. In the spring of 1970 while taping a syndicated TV show from Cleveland, called "Upbeat". I went across the street with Adam so he could buy cold tablets, (one of those "always a problem" guys). When he wasn't waited on promptly upon his arrival he started screaming, "do you people know who I am?!" Adam had become so very difficult to work with, that in hopes of sending a message, we took his name out of the band's.

He was admittedly a world class singer, and at times I considered him to be my best friend and ally in the band. However, his pompous and grandiose view of Damnation's regional recognition, very negatively affected his overall reliability, and the responsibility he had to perform his role in the Damnation of Adam Blessing

At the WEWS Studios in Cleveland, taping Upbeat, (1970). I was 19 at the time, Jim Quinn was 37.

continue to page 4 of Illusions Of Justice.


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